One in five Canadians are currently suffering from mental health issues with younger and at-risk groups (LGBTQ2+, visible minorities) reporting depression rates 3X higher than the rest of the population.

While professional resources struggle to keep up, much of their care is left up to informal caregivers–family, friends, and community members.

It’s an invisible workforce that numbers in the millions and provide $5 billion in unpaid labour.

Nearly 50% of caregivers report symptoms such as depression, hopelessness, and resentment towards those under their care.

Support for caregivers isn’t integrated in the Canadian healthcare system. Resources are spotty at best, leaving caregivers to fend for themselves to support a loved one and keep themselves afloat.

Sources: Mental Health Commission ; Stats Can - 2020 ; Canadian Public Health ; Association - 2009 ; Stats Can - Support by Caregivers 2020 ; Mental Health commission Guidelines for caregiver support - 2013; Canadian Psych Association.